Fitness Boot Camp Testimonials
I have lost 3/4 quarters of stone and changed the way I think about food - what I eat, when I eat and the impact of food types. I have been on a high ever since I returned and feel full of energy and drive. I cannot recommend the experience more highly - it is brilliant.
Out of my comfort zone - boot camp pushed me physically harder than I have experienced since playing sport at school but has made me realise what I can physically achieve. I will be going again.
Boot camp is the perfect antidote to a modern hectic lifestyle. A chance to physically work hard and cleanse your system and return refreshed, revived and ready to tackle the next challenge.
I fricking loved it.
Nick Hucker
Regional Sales Manager - Central Europe
Software Solutions
The weekend boot camp was a terrific start to a healthier lifestyle. I noticed a marked improvement in my performance at the gym after continuing with the dietary advice that was given, which has also helped me get a flatter stomach which I had been struggling to achieve on my own.
The boot camp training was fun and enjoyable overall and was quite an eye opener to what I could physically achieve with the right motivation and will power which was something I never got from going to the gym on my own.
Ian Bowler
Project Engineer
I booked for boot camp because I wanted to challenge myself. The weekend certainly did that. The weekend was tough, regularly being encouraged to 'Get out of my comfort zone', but tremendous fun!! I arrived slightly skeptical about being fit enough for the weekend ahead and left with new confidence and a new definition of my 'Comfort Zone', 5lbs lighter, 5% body fat gone and having made new friends along the way. I'll be going back!
You'll spend all weekend thinking; I can't do that and then you'll do it, I'll never succeed and then you'll succeed. You'll think I can't wait to get home and then when it's over you’ll want to know when the next boot camp is.
This experience will make you see cold early starts, knee deep mud, exhaustion and green lentils as something to be embraced and encouraged as life enhancing.
I am 46 years old and lead a fulfilling and comfortable life. I am, therefore, still trying to work out how too much exercise, knee deep mud, not enough food, dormitory living and less than luxurious bathing facilities can have enhanced my life. But they have and I can't wait for the next boot camp.

Boot camp was absolutely brilliant, I was amazed how much I achieved as I was encouraged to push outside my comfort zone everyday! Just when we all thought we could not do any more, we were put into teams – that’s when we all pulled together and dug even deeper.
I especially enjoyed the introduction to all the new foods that I had not ever tasted before – surprisingly all the meals were delicious as well as healthy! In the evenings I found the discussions about foods and additives very informative and surprising – the interaction with the discussions were useful as we were able to compare what we thought to the actual facts! I enjoyed having the discussions as I realized how much knowledge was being shared with us.
How did I feel after my first boot camp? Amazing! I came away with so much knowledge about myself and a healthier lifestyle which I am still using today! For me it was a massive personal achievement. I was pushed to my limits and that’s what I went for! Thanks!!
I had a really fantastic time at the boot camp; it was really hard work, but really worth it. My attitude towards food has changed completely; I look forward to reaping the benefits of this for months, if not years to come. Both Paul and Pat are incredibly supportive and incredibly knowledgeable which made the experience much more enjoyable. Thank you so much!